Digital Engineering
The future U.S. fighting force will be smaller but more effective through the use of advanced technologies connected through a networked battlefield that maximizes the benefits of increased situational awareness, informed decision making, effective communications, and enabled soldiers. To meet that vision the research, design, test and acquisition communities must transform almost every aspect of the acquisition process.

Future force systems must be developed and tested in the context of which they’ll be used, a complex system-of-systems environment connected through wired and wireless networks with countless data sources guarded by an Army of cyber warriors. And those new capabilities must be developed, tested and fielded at a rate equivalent to the commercial market. MSCI is at the center of revolutionary concepts for providing research, design and test environments that emulate the tactical net-centric environment through digital engineering.
“In times of change, learners, doers, and fast action takers, inherit the earth. While the learned find themselves beautifully prepared for a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffner

Rapid Prototyping
The world has changed. People are enabled with hand held devices that have endless possibilities for accessing information, arranging and coordinating scheduled activities, and communicating through voice, pictures, type, video and data-exchange. And every day new capabilities are developed and made available to end users, enabling them more and more on an endless innovation schedule. The common man is more powerful today than any time in history, and that power will continue to increase.
That internet enabled power is held by both our friends and our enemies … but not by our soldiers. The Department of Defense must evolve its acquisition processes to enable the rapid development, test and deployment of new capabilities to our warfighters. MSCI is working with the DoD to craft a vision that enables our countries most innovative thinkers to develop new capabilities, provides a testing ground that ensures capabilities are reliable, suitable and survivable, and aids our forces through training and rapid deployment.
“A chess novice can beat a master if moving twice each round.” – Mark Goldenson
System Engineering & Analysis
The greatest innovations of the last two decades was not the invention of a single piece of hardware or software or network equipment, the greatest innovation was the advent and rapid exploitation of system-of-systems (SoS) capabilities. SoS leverages hardware, software and networks to connect people, information and processes to do more than the sum of the whole. But these innovations were not done in an orderly fashion, allowing academia, government and industry to establish the engineering processes needed to document, test and evaluate system-of-systems capabilities in the rigorous manners of the past.

MSCI is at the forefront of establishing new processes and procedures for documenting, testing and evaluating system-of-systems to meet the needs of the Government while not inhibiting the speed of modernization.
“Science can amuse and fascinate us all, but it is engineering that changes the world.” – Isaac Asimov

The cyber domain is our generation’s biggest accomplishment and scariest threat. MSCI is helping the DoD evolves its thinking on cyber warfare by proliferating advanced concepts like cyber hardening, active cyber defense, cyber retaliation, and cyber breech forensics. We understand the current and future challenges of the cyber domain, and we’re postured to help the military as it conducts full spectrum military cyberspace operations.
“The internet? That thing is still around?” – Homer Simpson
Intra Government and Industry to Government Connections
MSCI has strong relationships throughout the DoD acquisition and test communities. We work with both Government and Industry to foster mutually beneficial relationships. By leveraging our knowledge of the research, design, test and evaluation (RDT&E) infrastructure throughout the DoD we can help industry identify and engage with Government owned test capabilities. Using this same knowledge MSCI provides a similar service to our Government customers that require increased exposure to the expanse of DoD RDT&E infrastructure.
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw
Knowledge Management & Big Data Analytics
MSCI supports our customers through the development of advanced Big Data Analytics tools and techniques. By engaging closely with the test and evaluation community we understand the emerging data reduction and analysis capability gaps and work with Government and Industry to foster new ideas, identify new solutions, and foster the connection of funding to worthy technology investments.
“One test result is worth one thousand expert opinions.” – Wernher von Braun