Striving for innovative mission-critical solutions.

MSCI helps the Department of Defense and Weapons Systems Developers address complex issues and tough engineering challenges to efficiently and effectively get the best new ideas developed into fielded warfighter capabilities.
MSCI Core Competencies
MSCI is a leader in using Digital Engineering methodologies to support Research, Design, Test, Evaluation and Training. We understand that U.S. warfighting capabilities will expand as the DoD continues to evolve and refine technologies for Multi-Domain Operations. And as that System-of-Systems environment grows in size and complexity we must find advanced methods of representing that environment to researchers, developers, testers & evaluators, and trainers. Digital Engineering is a key enabler to these solution sets.
The amount of information being collected during the development of a modern, software-intensive weapon system is growing exponentially due to increases in system complexity as well as the use of advanced high speed, high-resolution data acquisition systems required by system evaluators. The use of advanced statistical analytic techniques in a high-performance parallel processing computing environment for these very large diverse data sets that include different types of data is a requirement for successful operational testing of advanced Warfighter systems in the future. To properly support the development of today’s military systems, the developers must be able to leverage emerging Knowledge Management (KM) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) techniques to effectively analyze the exponential growth in data. These advanced statistical analytic techniques will allow analysts to make better/faster decisions by using BDA techniques designed to get deep into tremendous amounts of information relevant to the performance and capabilities of the systems that had been previously ignored due to cost and schedule constraints and provide it to the analysts and program managers on time. MSCI is building advanced KM/BDA tools to handle real-world data analytic problems to support the development of highly complex weapon systems.
Modeling & Simulations is one of our fundemental core competency at MSCI, and advancing how M&S can be done better, faster, and cheaper within the DoD is something that we have done since our inception. Advanced techniques that leverage modeling and simulation into testing can provide the military with more options, robustness and knowledge while maintaining acceptable test budgets. MSCI is an advanced supplier of hardware-in-the-loop, software-in-the-loop, and integrated instrumentation suites.
MSCI helps our customers find Research, Design, Test and Evaluation solutions by leveraging our experience with and connections to Government labs and test facilities. We also provide consultation to academia and industry for linking technology solutions to Defense problems and finding federal funding for the best new ideas.